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Things to Mind Before Pregnancy

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Ditulis oleh Phuong Tran · Disemak pada 12/05/2020

    Things to Mind Before Pregnancy

    So you have decided that you wish to have a baby. You are emotionally ready to enter the miracle land of motherhood. But, is your body ready? Preconception planning is important to all pregnancies. You should consider these questions.

    What kind of contraceptive method have you been using?

    If you have been using birth control pills, you should expect a two-week delay in your period. But you do not need to take a break from your pills before trying to conceive. If you want to wait a few more months, use condoms. In case you have taken progestin injections, a long-term birth control, it may take longer for your body to get back to normal. Haft of the women is able to get pregnant seven months after the last shot.

    Are your vaccines up-to-date?

    Diseases like chickenpox (varicella) and German measles (rubella) can be life-threatening for your unborn baby. If you are not sure about your immunizations, visit your doctor to have your blood tested for immunity, or to get the vaccines you need. It is advisable to do this at least one month before you try to get pregnant.

    What about your medical conditions?

    Obesity and other chronic illnesses including diabetes, asthma or high blood pressure can have a negative impact on your pregnancy. If you intend to have a baby, make sure you get all that under control first. You may also need to adjust your medication to prepare for your baby. Your doctor will tell you about any precaution you need to take during pregnancy.

    Are you taking supplements?

    Remember to inform your doctor about any type of herbs or supplements you may be taking. Depending on what you are taking, your doctor will advise you to reduce the doses, change to another type, or stop using it completely. You also need to take prenatal vitamins to make sure your baby will be as healthy as ever.

    Are you at risk of sexually transmitted infections?

    Sexually transmitted infections not only affect your fertility but also put you and your baby at risk during pregnancy. If you believe you or your partner may have an infection, ask your doctor for essential screenings and treatments before trying to conceive.

    No matter how much you desire to have a child, preconception planning is something you cannot skip if you want to protect yourself and your future baby. Besides, it is time to make positive changes to your lifestyle. Try to eat better, drink less, and quit smoking for the sake of your child.


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    Hello Doktor Medical Panel

    Ditulis oleh Phuong Tran · Disemak pada 12/05/2020

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