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What You Should Know Before Feeding Your Child Cow's Milk

Fakta Disemak oleh Hello Doktor Medical Panel

Ditulis oleh Phuong Tran · Disemak pada 09/12/2019

    Many parents give their children cow’s milk instead of formula milk since they believe cow milk is natural and has more nutrients. However, your child should be at least 12 months old to be introduced to cow’s milk.

    Why should I wait until my baby is at least 12 months old to introduce cow’s milk?

    The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that parents or caregivers SHOULD NOT offer a baby cow’s milk until she is older than one year old. Cow’s milk is much harder for a baby to digest completely compared to breast milk or formula milk. Cow’s milk contains high concentrations of minerals and protein, which can be harsh for your baby’s under-developed kidneys and the digestive system.

    When you take everything into consideration, cow’s milk is not that good for your infant’s body because it does not contain a sufficient amount of iron, vitamin C, and other nutrients that a baby needs to grow up healthily. This may result in nutritional deficiencies such as iron-deficiency anemia. It also does not offer the healthiest types of fat for the development process of your baby.

    However, if your child is ready to be introduced to cow’s milk, it will be a nice supplement for a balanced diet of solid foods that includes fruits, veggies, meat, and cereal.

    Why should my child start drinking cow’s milk?

    Milk is a natural source of calcium, which helps strengthen bones and teeth. It also controls the regulation of blood clotting, muscle, and bone growth. Milk has vitamin D, which enables the body to absorb calcium easier. Protein and carbohydrates assist the growing process of your baby and give her the energy that she needs. Fortunately, protein and carbohydrates can be found in milk as well. If your kid drinks an adequate of milk daily, he is likely to have a much lower risk of high blood pressure, stroke, colon cancer, and hip fractures later in life.

    Do I need to stop breastfeeding when my child starts drinking cow’s milk?

    According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, it is fine to keep breastfeeding your infant even if you have started to give your child cow’s milk.

    Could my child have a milk allergy?

    Major symptoms of milk allergy are:

    • Rashes or hives, especially around the mouth or chin
    • Abdominal discomfort
    • Diarrhea
    • Vomiting
    • Swelling
    • Itchiness

    Take your child to the nearest hospital for medical check-ups if she:

    • Is extremely pale or weak
    • Has hives all over her body
    • Develops swelling in the head or neck
    • Has bloody diarrhea

    If you have any trouble with offering your kids cow’s milk or you think that they may suffer from allergies or nutritional deficiency, consult with your doctor as soon as possible to prevent further complications.

    Hello Health Group does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.



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    Fakta Disemak oleh

    Hello Doktor Medical Panel

    Ditulis oleh Phuong Tran · Disemak pada 09/12/2019

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