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What You Should Know When Feeding Your 8-12 Month Old?

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Ditulis oleh Tran Pham · Disemak pada 12/05/2020

    What You Should Know When Feeding Your 8-12 Month Old?

    At 8-12 month old, many babies will be eating 3 “meals” per day at this stage; including a grain, fruit, veggie and a meat or protein source such as eggs.

    What are the changes in your baby’s diet?

    As you expand your baby’s palate, continue to give new foods a trial run (a few days to a week) to look for any allergic reactions. But do not give honey until after a baby’s first birthday. Honey may contain certain spores that, while harmless to adults, can cause botulism in babies.

    And do not give regular cow’s milk until your baby is older than 12 months because it does not have the nutrition that infants need.

    You can buy baby foods that offer new tastes and textures (at this age, your baby might enjoy trying foods with coarser textures that require a little more chewing). Or you can fork-mash, cut up, or grind whatever foods the rest of the family eats. To prevent choking, cook it a little longer, until it’s very soft, and cut it into small pieces that your baby can handle safely.

    By the time babies are around 9 months old, they usually have the dexterity and coordination to take food between forefinger and thumb so that they can try feeding themselves with their fingers. You may want to provide a safe baby spoon as well, though it might be some time before your baby gets the hang of it.

    If you haven’t already, have your baby join the rest of the family at meals. At this age, they enjoy being at the table.

    By the first birthday, babies usually are ready to go from formula to cow’s milk. If you’re breastfeeding, you can continue beyond your baby’s first birthday, if desired, or you may decide to stop.

    You’ve probably already introduced your baby to a sippy cup, so let him or her keep working on it. (Juice should always be given in a cup, not a bottle.) After 12 months, you can serve whole milk in a cup, which will help with the transition from the bottle.

    What to feed your baby?


    Try mixing together the grains that your baby has had without any reaction(s). Begin offering breads and muffins when baby has mastered mashing more textured foods. Pasta makes for great finger foods.


    Begin making your own fruit combinations once baby has had several fruits without any reaction(s). Venture into Papaya and Melon Swirl. After 8 months old – you may wish to try offering raw ripe fruits. Soft cooked fruits make for great beginner Baby Finger Foods.


    Soft cooked veggies make for great beginner Baby Finger Foods. Try mixing up a veggie medley now. Add some grated cheese for extra temptation & yumminess. Saute or roast some onions or peppers to add to baby’s food or serve as finger foods. Make a Leek and Chicken Potato Mash.


    Once your baby has reached 8 months old, try an Egg Yolk Omelet – the perfect chance to slip in some veggies.


    Get adventurous with Cheeses and Yogurts now. Soft Cheeses such as Brie pose health risks so hold off on those. Avocado mashed with a bit of cream cheese is a great option too.

    • Breast milk or formula
    • Pureed or strained fruits (banana, pears, applesauce, peaches, avocado)
    • Pureed or strained vegetables (well-cooked carrots, squash, sweet potato)
    • Pureed meat (chicken, pork, beef)
    • Pureed tofu
    • Small amounts of unsweetened yogurt (no cow’s milk until age 1)
    • Pureed legumes (black beans, chickpeas, edamame, fava beans, black-eyed peas, lentils, kidney beans)
    • Iron-fortified cereal (oats, barley)


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    Ditulis oleh Tran Pham · Disemak pada 12/05/2020

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