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Fun Exercises to Combat Migraine Attacks

Disemak secara perubatan oleh Dr. Joseph Tan · Perubatan dalaman atau am · Hello Health Group

Ditulis oleh Aaron Joseph Sta Maria · Disemak pada 26/11/2020

    Fun Exercises to Combat Migraine Attacks

    The relationship between migraine attacks and exercise is a complicated one to say the least. For certain individuals who suffer from migraine, exercise has been known to actually worsen its symptoms. For others, regular exercise has been known to combat migraines effectively. 

    Certain quarters have mooted the idea of gradually transitioning into a workout plan that is best suited to one’s migraine condition. With that in mind, here are five fun exercises you can do to help keep migraine at bay through mindfulness and relaxation, while giving your body a complete workout.

    Hang Loose, Defy Gravity

    Built upon a foundation of exercise, meditation and breathing, yoga is a suitable exercise routine to help keep your mind and body relaxed. And as we all know, one of the most basic requirements to keep migraine from occurring is to be in a state of serenity. Apart from relaxation, yoga is able to strengthen and tone your muscles, increase flexibility, improve cardiovascular health and blood circulation, all of which contribute to the combat against migraine. 

    The perfect way to inject a dose of fun into your routine would be to experiment with challenging yoga styles. Aerial yoga incorporates use of a silk fabric in the shape of a hammock or swing. This hammock supports body weight to help you achieve numerous gravity-defying postures. As a result, you may attain better coordination and concentration, apart from an effective core balancing and body weight training workout.

    Row, Row, Row Your Boat

    Kayaking or canoeing is a low-impact exercise that provides a multitude of health benefits in the fight against migraine. Some of the physical benefits include improved cardiovascular fitness, increased upper body strength, increased leg strength, as well as a reduced risk of wear-and-tear on muscle joints and tissues. Kayaking or canoeing can also provide mental health benefits which include allowing you to be in a meditative state, especially when traversing through calm rivers or lakes.

    If a fun challenge is what you crave, then whitewater slaloming would be an ideal option to consider. Slaloming involves navigating through a white water course within a specific duration. This includes steering around obstacles, which typically consists of poles suspended over the length of the course. Another fun challenge to consider is wildwater rafting, which requires a team effort to overcome a river course that consists of anything from flatwater to grade 4 rapids.

    Unleash Your Inner Wave Rider

    Throw in a little H20, and you’re bound to have an enjoyable, low-impact workout which does not hurt your joints, plus help keep migraine at bay. Not only that, water-based workouts provide a host of physical benefits that include improved cardiovascular health and total-body conditioning. Of course, there are many ways in which you can incorporate swimming as part of a workout routine. The most common method would be to swim laps using a combination of different swim strokes.

    On the other hand, surfing is the perfect mix of fun and mind-body coordination in one energetic, water-based routine. Taking to the open water can significantly boost your mental health by promoting complete mindfulness, which is a key factor when dealing with migraine. This occurs as a result of your body tuning in to the natural rhythms of each wave. It helps reduce stress hormone levels in your body, and release mood-improving endorphins which help keep your mind positive. Surfing also promotes a host of physical benefits which include improved cardiovascular fitness and total body strength development.

    Stretch Your Way to Pain Relief

    The key to alleviating migraine headaches also lies within a perfectly balanced body. In fact, an effective stretch can help to release tension in your back and neck muscles, which are trigger points of a headache. Pilates is a workout routine that is perfect for stretching and lengthening all the major muscles in your body, while ensuring total-body balance. 

    Barre, on the other hand, is a hybrid workout that combines ballet-inspired moves with elements of different routines into one. This includes Pilates, dance, yoga and strength training, and focuses on high reps of small range movements. It helps strengthen and tone your muscles without increasing bulk, and improve your posture. It also increases cardiovascular endurance and bone density, both of which can help prevent osteoporosis.

    Suspending Migraines through Resistance Training 

    Research shows that neck and shoulder pain can be alleviated by exercising a minimum of two minutes per day. It is most effective in strengthening your neck, back and shoulder muscles. Additionally, it is also able to release muscle tightness caused by sitting too long at a desk. This workout helps to activate your muscles, get blood flowing, clear your mind, and help you breathe effectively, which are all important factors for migraine relief.

    Head on to the nearest gym and you’re bound to be introduced to a range of professional resistance training regimes. Most of them incorporate performance training tools as part of a workout. This helps you develop strength, balance, flexibility and core stability, all at the same time. The tool leverages on gravity and your body weight to complete each exercise in the routine, providing the perfect escape from migraine attacks.

    For those who have not entertained the idea of exercising for migraine relief, sudden incorporation could trigger an attack. But as you gain more control over your migraine and develop a better understanding of your symptoms, exercise can prove to be an effective treatment strategy. As you progress, it can provide a non-pharmaceutical solution to the management of multiple symptoms, making it a treatment option worth considering for individuals living with or are at risk of developing migraine.

    Hello Health Group does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.


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    Disemak secara perubatan oleh

    Dr. Joseph Tan

    Perubatan dalaman atau am · Hello Health Group

    Ditulis oleh Aaron Joseph Sta Maria · Disemak pada 26/11/2020

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