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Top Tips for Teen Acne

Top Tips for Teen Acne

Almost every adolescent suffers from acne. This is a completely normal occurrence due to changing of hormones, especially with the boys. The good news is, all of it will disappear after many years down the teenage timeline. For many teens, this can be a very challenging period especially within social circles as teen acne can severely affect one’s self-esteem and leave behind pretty damaging scars.

Treatment for teen acne can be performed by dermatologists. It usually focuses on healing lesions and preventing the development of new acne. Lucky for you, there are several handy ways to manage skin care to control the widespread of teen acne. Behold!

Have a Daily Care Regimen

  • Wash your face twice a day with suitable cleansing products. Those with oily skin should refrain from using similar cleansers to those who have sensitive skin. Remember to wash your face gently but thoroughly as it is important to prevent more acne from breaking out.
  • Moisturising skin immediately after washing can nurture it and provide sufficient hydration. Healthy skin can protect itself against the attack of bacteria and help develop more collagen to fortify its integrity.
  • Treating acne spots after moisturising can decelerate the development of bacteria at the infected areas, and also prevent the spread of acne to neighbouring areas of the skin.

Effective Pimple Treatment

  • Using a warm compress to cool down pimples can help reduce inflammation.
  • Apply products that contain 2% salicylic acid on pimples. More importantly, avoid applying directly with your fingers as they may be carrying various bacteria, instead use a cotton bud. Refrain from squeezing or rubbing the pimples.
  • Use concealer make-up products that include salicylic acid to cover the pimple.

Use Benzoyl Peroxide

Benzoyl peroxide which is a staple in most treatment products can kill bacteria deep inside the skin pores and help reduce sebum. By doing so, the occurrence of pimples, blackheads, whiteheads and inflammation can be reduced.

Reduce Shaving (for boys)

It would be best for boys to reduce shaving when with acne, but if you really have to, be sure to do it gently to prevent cuts and more infections. Bacteria can enter these cuts on the skin surface to make acne worse.

Use Products with Natural Ingredients

When experiencing acne, be sure to use water-based products with natural ingredients. This would help provide the skin with sufficient nutrients and moist to stay healthy. Avoid using strong chemicals, oil and petroleum-based products which stimulate oil and sebum production.

Supply the Skin with Vitamins 

Vitamins are known to improve skin health and reduce inflammations. Here are some options that you may want to consider when it comes to cases of teen acne:

Vitamin A: can be found in animal livers, fish liver oils, as well as green and yellow vegetables.

Vitamin C: is found in berries and green vegetables.

Vitamin E: can be found in avocados, dark green leafy vegetables, seeds, nuts, whole grain products, egg yolk, fish, and soy products.

Omega 3: can be found in saltwater fish, fish oil, and walnuts.

It’s almost as if there is no escaping teen acne as it a big part of hormonal changes during adolescence. However, with the right skin care and treatment even before puberty hits, its widespread can be controlled. Most importantly, it could help with doing away with social insecurities and protect your general well-being. If you or your teenage child experiences any of the symptoms mentioned above on a larger scale, proceed to seek immediate medical treatment with a dermatologist. Treatment for acne can range from natural therapy, medicine or laser surgery.

Hello Health Group does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.



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