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5 Yoga Poses for People with Low Back Pain

Fakta Disemak oleh Hello Doktor Medical Panel

Ditulis oleh Phuong Tran · Disemak pada 09/12/2019

    5 Yoga Poses for People with Low Back Pain

    If you live a sedentary lifestyle such as sitting for long periods of time at a desk job, chances are you may get low back pain at some points in your life. Statistically speaking, low back pain is one of the most common health conditions sending people to the hospital. Fortunately, yoga may help ease the pain and heal your low back with some simple poses:

    Marjariasana (Cat-Cow)

    The Cat-Cow is a simple pose suitable for those who do not have much time. The Cat-Cow pose stretches your spine both ways, warming you up for the next poses. Start with the tabletop position (getting down on all fours, back straight). Your shoulders should be over your wrists, your hips over your knees and spread your fingers wide. Breathe in and lift your head and tailbone while lowering your body toward the floor to get into the Cow pose. Then, exhale and pull your abdomen up, lift your spine in the direction of the ceiling, and keep your chin toward your chest, forming the Cat pose. Try to coordinate your breaths as you change from the Cow pose to the Cat pose. Breathe in more during the Cow pose to open your lower back. Breathe in deeply 5 to 10 times then move on to the next move.

    Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward Facing Dog)

    The Downward Facing Dog is designed to target the hamstrings which are often affected by low back pain. For this pose, you also start with the tabletop position. Then, tuck your toes and raise your hips while keeping your legs straight. Your body should form a triangle shape with the floor. If you do not feel comfortable, move your hands slightly forward. If your back hurts, you can bend your knees a little bit. Hold your position for 10 breaths, then move on the next move.

    Pigeon Pose

    If your low back pain is caused by tight hips, the Pigeon pose may greatly help because it targets the hip flexors, iliopsoas muscles, and hip rotators. For this pose, start with the Downward Facing Dog, then pull your knee behind your right wrist. Your right foot can either touch your right hip flexor or placed slightly forward. Stretch your left leg backward. The top of your foot, shin, and thigh should touch the floor. Lift your torso and use your hands to support your weight. If you want to stretch yourself even more, you can put your hands in front of you and drop your torso lower to the floor. Hold your position for 15 breaths, then get back to the starting position and switch sides.

    Standing Forward Bend

    The Standing Forward Bend is another good pose for your hamstrings. It also starts with the  Downward Facing Dog. Walk back to the standing position with your feet hip-wide. Flex your knees a little bit and fold your torso over your thighs, touching your belly to your legs (if you can). Hang your hands freely or use opposite hands to grab your elbows. Hold your position for 15 breaths then move on to the next move.

    Supine Twist

    The Supine Twist work your spine flexibility. Start with a standing position, then slowly lower yourself to a lying position. Pull your knees to your chest, huging them and slowly moving your knees to your right side. Your right leg should be able to touch the floor while your left leg resting on your right leg. Keep your shoulders on the floor with your arms extending along your side and turn your face to the left. Hold this position for 5 breaths and switch sides.

    If you want, you may finish this section with a Corpse pose or a Child’s pose to further strenthen and relax your spine.

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    Fakta Disemak oleh

    Hello Doktor Medical Panel

    Ditulis oleh Phuong Tran · Disemak pada 09/12/2019

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