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How Is Fiber Good for Disgestive System

Fakta Disemak oleh Hello Doktor Medical Panel

Ditulis oleh Tho Truong · Disemak pada 12/05/2020

    How Is Fiber Good for Disgestive System

    “Fiber” is a substance that sounds simple, but it is a term of great controversy among nutrients. Fiber is a group of polysaccharides which resist breakdown in the digestive tract. Many fibers can be used by the body after the fermented progress by bacteria in the large intestine. Actually, fibers are unique nutrients that belong to various chemical categories but they share one common special feature.

    What are fibers?

    Fiber is also known as roughage or bulk that consists of parts of the plant that your body cannot digest and absorb. Because it isn’t digested so it enters through the stomach impact, the small intestine and colon, then out of your body.

    You can find fiber in fruits, vegetables, legumes. It is probably best known for the ability to prevent constipation. Besides, foods that contain fiber have many other health benefits including maintaining a proper weight, avoiding the risk of diabetes and cardiovascular syndrome.

    Which types of fiber?

    Normally, fiber is classified into two types: soluble and insoluble.

    Soluble fiber

    This is a type of fiber that dissolves in water. The form is a gel-like material. It helps lessen blood cholesterol and glucose levels. We can find it in foods like peas, beans, apples, carrots, oats, barley and citrus fruits, etc.

    Insoluble fiber

    This is different from the above type. This promotes the movement of material to your digestive system and raises stool bulk. Some good sources of insoluble fiber are nuts, beans, potatoes, cauliflower, wheat bran, etc.

    To get the greatest health benefit, let eat the variety of high- fiber foods.

    Which benefits that fiber brings to?

    Easier in bowel movements

    Absorbing high fiber can help to increase the size of your stool and make it softer. It’s easier for a bulk stool to pass and that avoids the chance of constipation for your body. In case you have watery stools, fiber can solidify the stools. It can add bulk to the stools.

    More effective in maintaining bowel

    When you use fiber foods, you may lower the risk of hemorrhoids and small pouches developing in your colon. But some fibers are fermented in the colon, which plays an important role in preventing diseases of the colon.

    Cut down cholesterol levels

    Fibers lessen low-density lipoprotein which means “bad” cholesterol levels so that they help to lower total blood cholesterol levels. Soluble fiber also has other heart-healthy benefits. It restricts blood pressure and inflammation.

    Reduce blood sugar levels

    People who are in diabetes should use fiber, particularly soluble fiber. It can keep slowing down the sugar. If you have a healthy diet which consists of insoluble fiber, you entirely avert the risk of type 2 diabetes.

    Get healthy weight

    Absorbing fiber means it takes you longer to eat and you have less “energy dense” and fewer calories for the same volume of food. It also prevents you from colorectal cancer.

    Many people do not have habits for eating fiber. After this information, hope you will make a plan about fiber in your daily diet.

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    Fakta Disemak oleh

    Hello Doktor Medical Panel

    Ditulis oleh Tho Truong · Disemak pada 12/05/2020

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