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Help Your Child Manage Asthma

Fakta Disemak oleh Hello Doktor Medical Panel

Ditulis oleh Phuong Tran · Disemak pada 02/07/2020

    Help Your Child Manage Asthma

    How long it will take to keep your child’s asthma under control depends on many factors, including:

    −The child’s age

    −How severe the symptoms are

    −How often the flare-ups are

    −How commit you are to the treatment plan

    Besides the treatment plan provided by your doctor, there are certain things you can do to help your child manage asthma.

    What are their asthma triggers?

    Triggers are irritants that can cause inflammation to the airways. Common asthma triggers are:

    −Allergens such as dust mites (found in house dust, carpets, and pillows), pollens, animal dander and saliva, molds, certain food and medication

    −Viral infections

    − Smoke, air fresheners, aerosols, paint fumes, hair spray, and perfumes


    −Cold air

    −Weather changes

    It may take a lot of time and effort to identify your child’s triggers but once you are done with it, you can help your child avoid them and prevent flare-ups.

    Dealing with asthma at school

    It’s important to teach your child about their condition. At least, they should know their triggers and how to avoid them, as well as when to take their medication and inhaler. Also, inform your child’s teacher and academic staff about the condition so they know what to do if your child has an asthma attack. It’s best to give the school officials a copy of your child’s asthma treatment plan and any information they should know. Give the school nurse the medicines your child might need and instruct them how to give it to your child if necessary. Some types of inhalers are designed in a way that makes it hard to tell if there is still medication left inside. So, you need to write down the day you start to use the inhaler to make sure you remember when to replace it.

    Some schools do not allow their students to carry medicines (inhalers or epinephrine auto-injectors). If it’s the case, you should talk with the school officials to find out how to help your child. The school may require your child to learn some skills to use the medication safely before allowing them to carry their medication.

    When there is an emergency

    The plan you give to school officials should include instructions on how to act in case of an emergency such as what to do if the inhaler cannot relieve the symptoms, when to call the child’s doctor and when to rush them to the hospital. Don’t forget to provide your phone number or a trusted friend in case the child needs a legal guardian.

    You might also want to read:

  • How to Deal with An Asthma Attack
  • Breastfeeding May Reduce Asthma Risks in Children
  • How asthma affects your conception
  • Hello Health Group does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.


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    Fakta Disemak oleh

    Hello Doktor Medical Panel

    Ditulis oleh Phuong Tran · Disemak pada 02/07/2020

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