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Dengue Fever in Children

Fakta Disemak oleh Hello Doktor Medical Panel

Ditulis oleh Tung Hoang · Disemak pada 04/12/2019

    Dengue Fever in Children

    Mosquitoes are the cause of transmitting dengue fever, a tropical disease. Most cases of dengue fever are not severe and can subside on their own after around a week. However, there is growing alarm at the increasing number of children who are infected with dengue fever. Parents should have a grasp of this fever to produce immediate solutions.

    Signs & Symptoms

    Years ago, dengue fever used to be called “breakbone fever.’ Some idea of the symptoms of this fever may arise in your mind as soon as this name echoes to your ear. However, your bone is not broken by any means, but you merely, on occasion, feel as though it is.

    Your child may experience some common signs and symptoms below:

    • Your child is likely to experience high fever, possibly as high as 40°C
    • Mild bleeding from the nose or gums can occur
    • Your child may complain of severe headaches
    • There occurs pain behind the eyes and in the joints, muscles, or bones
    • Most of the body is covered with rashes

    In general, the symptoms that younger children and people infected for the first time experience are mild while older children, adults, and people used to be infected may undergo moderate to severe symptoms.

    Diagnosis of Dengue Fever In Children

    The doctor will ask you a number of symptom-related questions, such as his recent travels. Dengue viruses can be identified from your blood test, but most professionals and seasoned doctors can evaluate and make a diagnosis of dengue simply from the appearance of your child. Still, a blood test is more often advised to certainly determine the presence of dengue virus. Doctors may, too, recommend a complete blood count to see how severely the virus attacks your child as the virus is able to impact the blood platelets.

    If you suspect that dengue fever is the cause of the symptoms from which your child is suffering, call a doctor at once.

    Treatment of Dengue In Children

    Usually, dengue will subside on its own and no specific medicines are available to treat dengue rapidly. Your child may need hospitalisation if the dengue is found to be a serious form. Doctors will keep an eye on your child’s blood pressure and blood counts. Blood tests will be performed at intervals. On treating dengue fever in children, it is really important to keep your child away from dehydration and allow him or her to get loads of rest. You can follow these tips on managing dengue:

    • Provide your child with a nourishing diet full of healthy foods and foods capable of strengthening your child’s immune system. Add eggs, chicken, fish, dairy products to your diet because they are rich in proteins, which can quicken recovery. Remind your child to drink a lot of warm fluids.
    • Make sure your child does not work or play around. All he or she needs to do is to take rest – plenty of rest.
    • Doctors may prescribe paracetamol to tame fever, but the traditional way – that is, placing a wet cloth on the forehead – can still work well.
    • You may administer Electrolyte/ORS powder to the child to keep dehydration at bay.

    Dengue usually lasts for around 10 days, but the fever can potentially wear your child out for even more than a month. If the symptoms show no sign of improvement and acerbate after the fever has been gone for a day or two, it could be an indication of DHF, which is considered as a grave medical emergency.

    Hello Health Group does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.


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    Fakta Disemak oleh

    Hello Doktor Medical Panel

    Ditulis oleh Tung Hoang · Disemak pada 04/12/2019

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